Am I the only one that thinks this couple (particularly this lady) is a million times overrated?? Yes, they are good actors. Yes, they star in good movies. But no, they are not the greatest couple on the planet. Their efforts are in vein. And her dress is boring. The end. Stop wearing boring dresses, Angelina.
Sophia Loren, I know you're Italian and all but I have a hard time believing you didn't slap on too much bronzer. And I think its always a good rule of thumb not to wear a dress that matches your skin.

Whoopi, I will always love you. But really? Just no.

Tilda Swinton. 'Nuff said.
Now, onto the BEST DRESSED:

I am slowly becoming a fan of Anne Hathaway. She looked amazing head to toe. Well done, Anne!
Supporting Actress nominee, Taraji P. Henson looked stunning in this gown! I loved, loved, loved it!!
Now, I didn't just choose Kate Winslet because she's my favorite actress, but she was truly beautiful last night! She has gotten some flack over this dress but I absolutely love it. The color is gorgeous, I am always a huge fan of lacey overlay, and I love that she wore her hair pulled back to show off her beautiful face. I love you Kate, congratulations on your win! It was about time!
Alecia Keys, I don't really know why you were there, but you looked good.
And Jen, way to go. Can I please look like this when I'm 40?
1 comment:
Dear Jackie,
Do you remember that time you said you wanted to keep your blog updated?
I do.
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