Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Me so tired...

I just got back from a great trip to Florida. I got to see my wonderful family, ride my favorite disney rides, and go to the beach...my place. Now I am getting ready to move. I am so excited about living with my great friend Brittany but...I am totally stressed about the actual moving part. I wonder if I have time to trade my 'rolla in for a pick-up truck...and build a lot more muscles.


Anonymous said...

Anybody is stressed when it comes to moving. Just imagine the packing and unpacking and putting things in order... *Whew* Just saying it makes me tired already.

Well, good luck and take care!

Anonymous said...

yeah, and your great friend Brittany leaves town the weekend you decide to move in! What a great friend I am!! :) Can't wait to have ya with me roomie!