In 7 days, I will be at my favorite place on earth. The beach! I am most definitely a beach girl. Probably not surprising considering I grew up in Florida, and the beach was about 10 minutes away. Since my parents moved to North Carolina, Florida doesn't seem like home anymore. I will be there, in my hometown and it will not feel like home. I am not entirely disappointed by this though. This will make it feel like a real vacation-- something I haven't had since I don't even know when!
I will have 5 whole days to sit on the beach, relax, and think about how big God is. He's been reminding me of that a lot lately. And the beach is the perfect place for me to reflect on it. The beach has always been a place where I feel God's presence so strongly. There is this old song by Ten Shekel Shirt that I always loved because it rings incredibly true in my life...
Lately, I've been thinkin' about You
And lately, I've been dreaming about You
And lately, I can't get You out of my head
Get You out of my head
And lately, I've been dreaming about You
And lately, I can't get You out of my head
Get You out of my head
There's something about the ocean
Makes me rise up and praise
There's something about the heavens
Makes me stand in awe again
There's something about the sunrise
Reminds me of Your faithfulness
There's something about the ocean
And I'm lost in love again
Makes me rise up and praise
There's something about the heavens
Makes me stand in awe again
There's something about the sunrise
Reminds me of Your faithfulness
There's something about the ocean
And I'm lost in love again
I'll sing until I sense a smile
Upon Your great and lovely face
Until I know Your glory's in this place
Your glory's in this place
Anyway, the beach is definitely "my place." The place I feel most rested, renewed and awe-struck by our big God.