And then this is just a hilarious picture that we got of a sweet baboon family...just doing what they do...
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Infamous Baboons
And then this is just a hilarious picture that we got of a sweet baboon family...just doing what they do...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Big Day

Pray for Eldridge and his 2 siblings, Jeremiah and Jo-Anna today.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm home...
Obviously thats a hula skirt on his head. :) I have realized that I am a terrible photographer because pretty much every picture I took is blurry. Good thing Bobby is compiling everyone's pictures for us all. Surely there will be great ones from that that I will add on here soon.
Hermanus was fun but I would have rather spent those 2 days at Red Hill playing football with the kids. I truly believe I will be there again soon.
I am fighting some pretty bad jet lag and swollen feet right now. Its only 5 pm here in Nashville and I want so badly to crawl into bed-- its midnight in Cape Town! So thats one way you can pray for me these next couple of days. Also, please pray that I don't go into that post-mission trip depression. I always have a hard time adjusting back to the 'real world.' One thought that brings me peace about being back, is believing that God will allow me to return to that place and those people that I now completely love.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Zebras, baboons, and some others
Today, half of our team leaves to come back to Nashville and half of us are heading over to Hermanus for some whale watching. Most of you know how excited I was about shark diving...I have decided not to do it. I was talking to this guy the other day who had just done it and said that he was sick from start to finish. He said it was the most miserable day of his life. And since I get pretty motion sick just driving around some curves, I decided I would rather not waste my last day in South Africa being sick. So I am going to sit myself on a beach somewhere and just enjoy the day and reflect on the trip. Sounds pretty wonderful to me.
Please be praying for our team that is heading home today...and for those that have decided to go through with the shark diving. :) They'll need it.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
my cup runneth over
There is one boy in particular (there always is with me) that I have grown especially fond of. His name is Donovan and I absolutely love him. He is 9 years old and speaks just enough English to whisper to me "what is it?" when we are going through the Bible story review and he is trying to get me to cheat and give him the answer in secret so he can get some candy. This boy is a monkey!! He jumps on me and within 2 seconds is twisting his body all around my head and flipping off. He is there every morning waiting on us to arrive and peaks in the broken window of the church waiting for us to let him in once we get set-up. I hate seeing him out there so this morning I snuck out there to play some baseball with him using a stick and a cushie ball. If I were going to sneak a child home, it would be Donovan.
Another person I can't wait to tell you all about is Mzo. He is one of the LifeSkills Educators that works in Red Hill full time that has been working with us this week. His story is amazing and his heart is solid gold. He is the nephew of the pastor that was shot and killed about 9 months ago at the church in Masi. Mzo was on the 2nd row that day. He now lives with his aunt and helps care for his cousins. His heart is in Red Hill though, and he hopes to move there at the beginning of January. Pray for him.
I have countless stories and people to tell you about. I am so thankful that God brought me here and I pray that he brings me back. Soon.
Love to you all.