Thursday, May 31, 2007

"I think I'll go to Boston"

I went to Boston this past weekend to visit my friend, Brittney. Boston is never a place I've thought about much but I really loved it! I got to see all kinds of neat things all over New England. We went to Cape Cod for a day to sit on the beach. We went to the Polar Caves in New Hampshire. And we saw Plymouth Rock in Rhode Island. Yes, there is an actual rock!

My favorite part of the trip was HARVARD by far! Ever since I saw the movie With Honors when I was a kid I have dreamed of going to this school. And I loved everything about it! The campus was nice but not too nice. It wasn't too big either. The best place on campus was the library- it is huge!! Maybe I only loved it so much because it was such an important part of the movie- which by the way if you've never seen it, go rent it now! Here is a pic of me sitting on the ledge of the library steps.

If you want to see more pics from the trip, here you go!

Monday, May 14, 2007

I'm going to be an aunt...for the eighth time.
In order by birth:
And then the new one...whew!

Friday, May 11, 2007

I've always considered myself a morning person. Not necessarily one that wakes up at the crack of dawn but I'm usually in really good moods in the morning and as the day goes on the mood becomes less good (but never becomes bad...yeah, never). But I realized last night as I was stirring in my bed that I think way more clearly and realistically at night. I often lay in bed for hours before I fall asleep because I think too much. Should I move to Africa? Should I go off to seminary or just do it here? Should I even go to seminary at all? Do I really like cats?

I wouldn't say that I am unrealistic in the mornings, just...optimisitic. On sunny mornings when the birds are chirping outside my window (much like this morning) I feel like I can conquer the the Barenaked Ladies. This isn't a bad thing. Since I discovered these tendencies of mine last night, I have grown to like them. I just need to remember that I should only make important decisions late at night. But what happens when I wake up the morning after a decision and think differently because I am thinking with more optimism? What do I go with then? My clearer, more realistic decision from the night before? Or the optimistic, shiney-sun decision?

Oh boy...I make my brain hurt sometimes...

Another character trait that I've realized recently, err...I should say had pointed out to me recently...I am over-analytical. Sometimes I think so much that I forget to talk.

Friday, May 4, 2007


About 8 weeks ago I was thinking about giving up on Lost. It was stressing me out more than I was enjoying it. It was a pain to rush home on Wednesday nights after church to catch left me saying, "WHAT?!?" after every episode...people were giving me headaches with all their theories...So about 8 weeks ago I stopped watching for 5 weeks.

Then I decided I just couldn't miss out anymore! Thanks to I was able to catch up on 4 of the 5 episodes I missed and now I am on track! None of the circumstances have changed- I still rush home on Wednesday night, I still scream at the end of each episode, and I still get headaches thinking through all the theories. But I do love it, I just can't resist.

Since I have been all caught up I have seen some strange things. I think LOST is haunting me.

The other day, I was driving up 65 and I saw Hurley sitting on the side of the interstate. His red junker must have stalled, because he was just sitting out in the grass. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Should I have stopped to help him?

Then, 2 days later, I saw Jack driving a Ford Explorer on Concord Rd...just carrying on with everyday business it seemed. I'm sure this spinal surgeon would have a nicer car than a Ford Explorer.

I do love this show.