I walked into the Nolensville Town Hall, which was in a small strip mall. I got there a few minutes early and was sent back to the "court room." From the second I walked in I knew I was in for a treat. This court room was smaller than a small classroom. There were folding chairs all lined up in a few short rows and a simple table up front. Sure enough, the room filled up pretty quickly (none of those people were dressed up) and then an officer stood up and actually said, "All rise for the honorable Judge so and so" and contintued with all that other court room stuff.
Someone had told me that they would just have all the folks stand up at once and plead guilty and that'd be it...So I was surprised when he called out a specific person. I can't remember this poor guy's name but he was hispanic and couldn't speak any english. The judge called out to all of us, "Do any of you speak Spanish? Oh you, will you translate?" The judge went on to say, "So and so, you are charged with going 50 in a 30, no license, and no insurance. How do you plead?" I felt a little relieved because this guy's offense was worse than mine. But I couldn't believe they were going to call everyone out individually like that! I was thankful that my last name started wit S- I assumed I would be called toward the end. BUT no, no. The very next name, "Jaclyn Joy Smith." Oh no...I walked up to the front. "Jaclyn, you have been charged with going 46 in a 30. How do you plead?" "Guilty." I went out and paid the court fees and was allowed to go.
As I was getting out my gloves and keys, these 3 scruffy guys came in. The lady asked if they were there for Traffic Court. One of them said, "No, but I'm hoping to put someone in court." Oh my...this was going to be good. I tried to stall but I couldn't hang out in there any longer without it being obvious. So who knows what that was about.
I now have to go to Traffic School. I am going to the one at The Factory in Franklin. The lady told me they give out door prizes at that one. What?! Door prizes at Traffic School?? Okay.
I spend the rest of the day being lazy. I read a lot, and sat on my butt a lot. Until I went to the grocery store and bought all this fruit...

So I'm turning over a new leaf. The old one is getting a little too pudgy.